Sweet William finds cod, pollack ling and mackerel on the wrecks off the Tyne

Massive thanks to Matty for organising a run out with the lads today, and Michael and Andrea.

This was the lads first fishing experience, so it was in at the deep end, so to speak.

We headed out to calm conditions, rigged the lads up for some mackerel and hit on at the first stop, which produced a solid stamp for both bait and the pan.

The wind picked up soon after, creating some incredibly difficult conditons, especially for an introduction to wreck fishing.

This didn't stop Nathan, who despite everything, knocked into a fantastic 9.1lb ling for his first ever fish (other than mackerel earlier in the morning)!

A good number of codling also came aboard weighing in between the 3 to 4 lb range.

When the gusts proved too problematic, we headed inside to a few inshore wrecks whilst waiting for the wind to drop off again later in the afternoon.

The gamble to head back out to deeper water and half a dozen or so bigger wrecks paid off, with Andrea picking up a lovely pollack, and more good cod coming aboard.

There was a pretty much constant stream of mackerel, coalies, whiting and pouting coming up, often four at a time for sport.

Fantastic day out and look forward to see everyone again soon.


Sweet William finds Craig Barnes a lovely cod for his birthday


Cod and mackerel on an evening trip aboard Sweet William